Inexpensive, fast, beautiful, unique and environmentally sound – that is the innovation-driving formula of the construction industry. This discipline promises to make the impossible possible. I recommend a careful selection of these requirements: What is particularly important to me as the owner, resident and user, and what can be omitted? According to which criteria have I selected the planners/craftsmen?
Most good, individual designs fail due to the question of the resale value of the property. Before this question arises, the attitude is one of adventure and a willingness to experiment and innovate. After the question is raised, the building project is driven by conventional and measurable qualities. Where the budget is very small, it is advisable to proceed directly to a rediscovery of the conventional or prefabricated house options.
Where the budget is small and the desire for aesthetics and cultural responsibility is large, communication and time are of the essence in deliberately omitting the unnecessary in order to gain an advantage. I am very happy to assist you in these deliberations and decisions. Building components exchanges, personal contributions, offer comparisons and timely engagement of contractors can help keep the project on budget.
Building in a price-conscious and aesthetically appealing manner is my favourite discipline, since material-conserving construction is very sustainable. I favour low-energy materials, such as spruce, clay and concrete. Building with these materials, however, requires good design and expert craftsmanship, which is expensive compared with installation/assembly work.
To ensure that fees do not eat up too much of the budget for visible construction, it is important that budget limits and wishes are discussed openly during the first meeting. Financing should already have been clarified with the bank by this point. The planning represents a detailing of the order: the more precise the order is, the shorter the planning time and the more budget remains for stylish craftsmanship and tangible aesthetics.